1. Select the appropriate PWM channel for the half bridge output (HB-MODE.CTRL)
2. Select the appropriate duty cycle (PWP_DC_CTRL)
3. Turn on the PWM working mode of half bridge output (fw_ctrl), and the A3 board will not need to write this register in the future. The default value is 00
4. Choose a suitable working frequency for PWM (80Hz-2kHz, PWP_Ch-Freq.Ctr, ovp2_2k_ctrl)
5. Enable corresponding channel (HB_ACT_CTRL)
When the clamp function is not used, it is recommended to connect the VCLAMP pin to the driver output pin VOUT. If VCLAMP is connected to VEE, SLMi334 will lose its soft shutdown function when de saturation protection occurs.
It is necessary to pay attention to the parasitic parameters of the PCBA itself used. The working current of the power supply is greatly affected by the parasitic parameters at high frequencies, and we cannot only care about the external capacitance parameters. We need to evaluate the equivalent capacitance value of the PCBA board, which determines the size of the working current of the power supply at high frequencies
Disturbance to DIS can cause abnormal output. It is recommended that DIS be connected to GND1